In Stamping Mode

Monday, October 4, 2010

Taylored Expressions Sneak Peek - Day 1

Hello everyone and happy Monday to ya! I'm THRILLED to be sharing some sneak peeks for, what is cooking up to be, a HUGE release come Thursday! Today the team is all kinds of split up so you just don't know what you're going to see! As for me, I get to sneak for you a new set for you partying types called, Merry Little Cocktail.

Now, if you've followed my blog at all, you know I love to enjoy myself some icy cold beverages on the occasion of occasions, so this set was just right up my alley!! I just loooove holiday parties and this set is a MUST for your holiday soiree. :) I didn't even start out stamping on cardstock...check it!

Yep, I stamped my napkins! It was sooo quick and easy too. You'd think that the coloring would be difficult, but they colored perfectly with my Lipstick and Melon Spica Glitter pens. So you have easy coloring AND sparkle to your coloring. :)

Need invitations to go with your napkins? No problem!

I whipped up this little 4" x 4" invitation, and if you look closely, you can see a sneak of a stamp from another new set here too. :)

And finally, a GREAT holiday card that's clean and simple!

So what do you think? Well, let the drinks settle a bit while you check out what the rest of the Baker's Dozen has to share with you....I can't WAIT to see!!

Thanks so much for your visit and I can't wait to see you right back here tomorrow morning for Day 2 of sneaks!


Sankari W. said...

SOOOO Adorable Melissa!!!! The matching cocktail napkins are genus and I adore your coloring girl! Awesome invitations and I am loving loving that clean and simple holiday card!!! Is it wrong to want a cocktail at 10am - because that is how I am feeling after seeing your gorgeous creations!!!
Big hugs!!!

Kathy Martin said...

Oh my goodness! How fun and creative! :)

Jackie Pedro said...

How clever to stamp on the napkins!! Love the invite and the long card is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

WOWZERS Melissa-- these are all so fabulous and perfect for a cocktail party!! I love the idea of using it for napkins!! Thanks for the ideas!!

Jodi Collins said...

These SO totally ROCK girlie! LOVE both of the cards and the cocktail napkins...well, that is just GENIUS!!! LOVE!

Jami said...

GENIUS!!! Love those napkins!!! And of course the invite with the frame die - super cute! And the CAS card is super fun!!! Love what you did withthat set!

Regina Mangum said...

Okay, now I want to PARTY! These are so cute. That napkin set rocks and so do YOU! XOXO

Karen Motz said...

You and cold drinks are the perfect mix my friend!!! Can I please have an invite to your part-ay!!!!!!!!!!!! These are stunning...and what a great idea for the napkins!!!!

Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

These are just FABULOUS, Melissa! I LOVe the napkins. . .so cute! the invitation is just darling and that clean and simple card. . .SIGH! Love it all. . .can I come to your party?! :)

Nancy said...

Looking forward to the occasion of occasions when we can enjoy icy cold beverages together! Love your cards (especially the one with the sneak peek label) and your take on CAS.

Danielle L. said...

Custom matching napkins? Neat! :) The cards are both fabulous!

Natalie said...

Very creative!!

Karen Giron said...

You mean napkins aren't just for sketches? GASP! You are amazing - I love how those napkins look. You clever, clever girl!!

Taylor said...

Oh how fun! I love your stamped napkins and the adorable invitation! Are you having a party too? I'm inviting myself! ;)

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