In Stamping Mode

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feel Better

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Ours was jam packed! We had a birthday party for our son at one of the local jumping places in town and it was an absolute blast!! It's always nice to gossip with the parents in my son's class, LOL! My good friend Valeria, also celebrated her birthday this weekend and that, of course, brought good times. :)

But onto my project for now (and a personal picture later, yes?!) I just ADORE the new A La Carte sets from Taylored Expressions called Animals in Love. Every single one of them are TOOO CUTE! I love it so much, I wanted to use it beyond a "love" sentimented card. So I cute would it be if one of the turtles from Turtles in Love was stuck upside down and the card was made as a "feel better" kind. :) And this is what I came up with!

Or how cute would it be to have a sentiment saying, "feeling a bit upside down?" Oh, it's so fun to get creative with your stamps! What about putting Cuppie in the doghouse from the Scotties in Love set and having it say, "sorry you're in the doghouse." LOL I totally just thought of that, or I would have made that for ya too!

Anywho, I wanted to quickly share our latest addition to the family!! Meet....Dug!!! We picked him up on Harrison's actual birthday and here we are at Nana's house.

If you have seen the animated movie "Up" at all, you'll probably remember the sweet dog named Dug. Well that's where our Dug got his name from....thanks Harrison for naming him. :) He is 7 weeks old in the picture and boy, it's been like having a newborn in the house. I'm not getting much sleep at night! Oh! I also need to point out my little ninja daughter in the bottom right. I just couldn't edit that out...that's SO HER!! LOL!

Ok, hope you have a great week and thanks sooooo much for stopping by to visit. :)


Rosie said...

Happy B-day to your son, and congrats on your new addition! Also...congrats on your new design team!

Courtney said...

CUTE puppy! And happy birthday to your little guy. I also love your card! Congrats all around!

Donna Baker said...

I LOVE the turtle upside down - how clever! your little ninja makes the picture cuter! I saw that movie just a few weeks ago; your pup is too cute and I totally know the hard work involved with a puppy!

Shaun said...

Oh, your card made me laugh. Adorable. Like Dug. What a great Birthday gift.

Busym1 said...

Happy Birthday to yur son! What an adorable dog! I KNOW what you mean about no sleep, my pupy is still keeping me up at nite and we have had him a few weeks now! good luck with Dug! Hugs michelle

p.s. cute card!

Jami said...

Your card is adorable and I can't wait to see your cuppie in the doghouse! LOL! Congrats on Dug - looking forward to seeing and hearing updates on him!

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